What’s in it for you?
We are Dedicated Partners who care about your wins.
We do work that makes you money.
Our Core Values
- Be Quick
- Work Hard
- Show Integrity
- Serve Others

Our Cause
Notice U Marketing exists to make marketing cohesive, understandable, and manageable for our clients while we:
- Increase traffic to their website/business
- Increase sales and or lead conversions from that traffic.
We do marketing that leads to sales.
Ultimately you are buying what we know how to do: 40+ years of traditional advertising, marketing, events experience combined with 20+ years of digital marketing experience means you get custom solutions that work for you.

Our Approach
The Notice U Marketing Difference:
- Our approach leads to quick collaboration, shortened timelines, and increased client satisfaction across all of the services we perform.
- We stay nimble and focused on the needs of just a few selected clients, their customers, their competitors, and their battlefronts.
- We take the time to explain strategy and tools employed and we tailor reporting to the facts that matter to each client.
- We offer 100% transparency down to the project management software and communication platforms we use as a team. Zero filtering. Clients can see the team members, tasks, and communications any time they want to.
- We prioritize WORK over talk.
We are a digital and traditional solutions company based in Las Vegas, Nevada. We serve clients nation wide.

The Proof
When it came time to have a Grand Opening for Liquor World’s 7th store, the dedicated owners of Notice U Marketing were on the cranes and roof hanging the signs and streamers last minute. Why? Success meant a DIY solution was needed immediately:
Notice U means just that: Get YOU noticed: When it came to getting this brand new business noticed for its opening weekend on one of the busiest corners in Las Vegas, we pulled out all the stops. The result was just under 1,000 brand new customers in the first weekend making it the biggest Grand Opening in Liquor World history.
The Wins of Our Clients Matter Most.

Nick S – Baldini’s Casino
The last two years ski season has been a record season with the highest skier visits in Brian Head Resort 55 year history. There is a measurable cause and effect in the marketing Notice U has been providing.

Ron B – BrianHead Resort
Notice U marketing has been very effective working with the Nevada Film Office. The professional, hard working and responsive team at Notice U has been completely available and proactive in working on solutions and strategies to maintain and improve our high traffic website. We truly enjoy working with the professionals at Notice U. They have the expertise, and the ability to communicate to “non-tech” people easily and clearly to resolve issues and implement strategic solutions for the benefit of the organization. Great team to work with!

Eric P – Nevada Film Office
Since partnering with Notice U we have seen a double digit percentage growth across our outlets helping Q1 of 2019 be the most successful and profitable quarter in the history of the company.